Thursday, October 20, 2011

“D” is for “d”elight, “d”angerous, and of course, “d”inosuars!

(Dinosaurs are dangerous, didn’t you know?)

D week was probably the week that will elicit the most excitement here on the homestead because “D” week meant we had a real reason to talk dinosaurs every moment of every day for a whole week.  There was a fierce, but short-lived battle between dinosaurs and dragons for top slot this week, but in the end dinosaurs won.  Although by a smaller margin that I had been anticipating.  The abundance of dragon figurines that made an appearance throughout the week may have had some influence on the outcome…but I am getting ahead of myself.

While this has nothing to do with D week specifically, Alex has now mastered saying the entire Pledge of Allegiance all by himself.  It is absolutely beautiful to watch him place his little hand over his heart and proudly, and with much enthusiasm, belt out each line with a broad smile on his face.  In light of the many debates and discussions we have heard in recent years regarding the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools, I am thankful for the freedom to teach and practice this tradition in my schoolroom.

This week on the alphabet path we met the Double Daisy fairy, who shared with us a little bit about St. Dominic.  We also introduced Dick & Jane (inexplicably I simply cannot pass up the opportunity to own anything that displays art work from the 1950s.  Also anything that resembles the “good wife” era of the 1950s.  Please don’t ask me to explain.)  We also read The Magic Doll from Stories Around the World, Harry the Dirty Dog, David and Goliath from The Children’s Book of Heroes, and books upon books about dragons and dinosaurs.  

And dogs.

Drawing the letter D in sand, the D week do-a-dot, and the dinosaur coloring page were all a big hit.  Prayer table time was also fun this week because Alex mastered the Glory Be prayer and began opening prayer time for us all by himself.  We did a D is for Divine Mercy craft, by tracing Alex’s hands together on a piece of paper forming a heart between his first fingers and thumbs.  

Alex likes hearts.




For our Montessori exercise this week Alex learned to dust.  Thank goodness someone can now keep up with cleaning!  He actually loves to do it, although it never lasts long, much to my dismay.  He even dusted…you guessed it!  The dinosaurs.




For math we introduced Geoboards, which he adored, and did some patterns with Unifix cubes, which he enjoyed.  We’re still trying to decide what type of formal math program we are going to pursue, so we are content for right now to continue with manipulatives from last year.

Science was a big hit this week.  We are using the Usborne Look Inside Science book to study the basics of what science is all about.  Because the book includes a gazillion lift the flaps, Alex could spend hours “studying” science!



As if all of that wasn’t enough, we found Delaware, Denver, Dallas and Detroit on the map, and learned a little about maps in the Usborne Picture Atlas.  He also spends many nights now shooting darts at the U.S. map on our wall and naming off states as he or daddy hits them.  Daddy started out doing it for fun, but it’s turned into a fabulous learning tool and he now knows most of the names of the southern states.



Final highlights from the week include:
  • a discussion on the Dallas Cowboys (we live in Texas after all)
  • a little bit on Davy Crockett (who doesn’t love Davy?)
  • several discussions on why we brush our teeth and why there is no bargaining to get out of it
  • and more about dinosaurs, dinosaurs, and dragons!
Completely unrelated to D in any way, we also read Skippyjon Jones this week for the first time.  Let me just say that if you haven’t read it yet, read it now.  Don’t wait for your child, and for goodness sake, if you don’t have children, don’t wait until you do!  It is a must-read for every young-at-heart person out there!  Just be sure to use your very best Spanish accent…


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