Friday, April 19, 2013

Because we are all THAT Mom at some point...

Dear Mom in the Pew (click here to read letter)

I'm THAT Mom.  The one to whom this letter is addressed.  The stares and snide comments don't bother me.  But it's nice to read such a beautiful letter filled with understanding that comes from someone else having been that Mom.

Church is God's house.  And God has issued the invitation for all of us to join him.  

He doesn't ask us to come but leave the children behind.  In fact, the disciples tried to do just that and Jesus told them to let the little children come to him.  My son might not always pay attention, but he is always listening.  He sees what is going on around him.  He sees that his Mom and Dad value church and place importance on spending time with God and celebrating the Mass together.  As a family.  Because what are we as a family, if we aren't first a domestic church?  And who are we called to be, if it isn't disciples of Jesus, on whom Jesus himself placed the responsibility to raise up in Faith the next generation of Catholics?

Our children may not be sitting still, paying attention now, but they will learn from those who celebrate the Mass with them, as they are raised up by the community to which God has entrusted them.  Each noisy, crying, talkative little child in church is a future saint, another warrior for God, and in today's culture, don't we need all we can get?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Meet Meesha

Introducing the newest member of our family:

Meesha Kahlan Johnson
4 Months Old
25 Pounds
German Shepherd Mix
Alex's New Best Friend