Sunday, August 11, 2013

Double Family Sunday Fun-day Post

We spent last Sunday afternoon at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum for Free First Sunday.  Alex really enjoyed looking at the exhibits and showing everything to his dad.  We loved it because it has AIR CONDITIONING!  Enough of the heat already.

This Sunday we spent the afternoon at the Harris Branch Community Pool (otherwise known as "our neighborhood pool") where Alex met a new friend, used a humongous amount of energy, and managed to keep cool in 105 degree heat.  Thank you for swimming pools.  In Texas.  In August. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Field Trip Around Texas

We don't really need much of an excuse to go driving around Texas, but meeting up with family is the best excuse there is.  And after finishing up a custom order that I needed to deliver, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to have lunch with Cathy and Cheryl - "the ladies" as Alex calls them.  So we hopped into granny's car and hit the road with our grand field trip plans hastily thrown in.  Because really, we can learn just about anything anywhere we go!

FIRST STOP: The Texas Cotton Gin Museum, Burton Texas

SECOND STOP: Royers Round Top Cafe, Round Top, Texas
(though you'll notice I forgot a picture of the cafe...excuse to go back?  I think so!)

And then on the way home, just because we could...
THIRD STOP: Texas Wendish Heritage Museum, Serbin, Texas

(I WANT one of these for my sewing room!)

Alex LOVED the classroom and thought the giant Abacus (left, middle) was super-cool!