Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Laundry Line

Go ahead.  Call me crazy.  I know many of you will.  But there is something ridiculously beautiful to me about laundry hanging outside on the clothes line.  It reminds me of a time when life was a little more simple – we weren’t in such a rush, and we didn’t spend every moment glued to our iPod, cell phone, or computer.  I love the motion of taking one clothes pin at a time, and hanging each fresh, clean piece of clothing, watching as it  stirs in the breeze.

Except when there is no breeze.

Still, I never mind hanging the clothes out to dry, and I never mind taking the time to pull them down, one by one, and toss them into the laundry basket.  I like the repetition.  I like knowing I am doing something women have been doing for centuries before me.  I like keeping a link to the past.  I remember my grandma hanging her clothes out to dry, and if it was good enough for her, it’s good enough for me.  (Don’t worry – I still use my dryer plenty of the time!)



  1. First off, nice picture :)
    Second, I love those simple things, too. I love doing things that are uncomplicated, force me to take time (and not technology), and give me a feeling of satisfaction after ward. I'm sure my neighbors make fun of me when I do things like hand water my plants (since we have built-in sprinklers), but I like this kind of stuff, dang it!

  2. Thank you! I worked really hard to get this picture (it was VERY windy that day), but I fell in love with it. =)

    I hand water my plants too and love every moment of it! My neighbors probably roll their eyes at my laundry on the line, but who cares?
