Friday, September 13, 2013

Pioneer Farms Homeschool Field Trip

Technically our school year does not start for another two weeks, BUT we couldn't pass up an opportunity to join some of our FISCHE homeschooling families for a school field trip to Pioneer Farms (which happens to be just up the road from us).  Here are some pictures from our morning adventure.

You know you have a Texan when the first words out of his mouth when he gets to the farm are "LONGHORN mommy!"

Alex said he loves Tepees and he wants to live in one.  Until he discovers there are no books and no air-conditioning.  Then I think he'll change his mind.

Standing inside the Smokehouse.  Does he really understand what this was used for?

The detached kitchen.  He found the idea of a kitchen outside (where you potentially had to walk through the rain to get to it) a bit disturbing...considering how much time he spends in our kitchen, I'm thinking the extra distance might have been a good idea!

The outhouse.  He would have stood inside the outhouse for a picture too, but I'm not even going to go there!

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