...because sometimes the pain is just too deep.
I hear the words. I know what they mean. And still, some part of me refuses to accept it. If you've faced the death of a child, you know EXACTLY what I mean.
Others don't always see it. We might not always feel it. But we are just a little broken somewhere inside. Full of questions and entirely unsure how this whole saying goodbye thing is supposed to work.
Because really. How DO you say goodbye when you're still waiting to say hello?
There's so much time to THINK. About all the things that will never be. About ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. And the beautiful little person they belong to. But mostly there is time to think about all the silence.
And that is where He finds us. His Grace heals us and carries us along with a new, perfectly formed, tiny soul attached forever to our hearts.
In Loving Memory of our first son, Nathan - born into Heaven February 19, 2003
though we held you in our arms for such a short time
you remain in our hearts forever
In Loving Memory of our third son, Joshua - taken to heaven June 5, 2013
though we had just begun to dream of our life with you
we hold the anticipation of seeing you one day in our hearts
Blessed be the name of the Lord
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