It’s hard to believe E and F week have come and gone. Oh, wait. No it’s not. I’m always behind on posts these days! But we’re busy in a good way, so you must just wait patiently for me to get caught up.
This week we met the Eyebright Fairy along the alphabet path and were introduced to Elizabeth Ann Seton in our Saints book. We had some fun reading Elves in the Shelves, East of the Sun West of the Moon, Planet Earth – Animals of Africa, and The Earth. (It’s harder to find books for E week than you would think). From the Children’s Book of Virtues we read The Tortoise and the Hare, and from the Children’s Book of Heroes we read The Little Hero of Holland.
Do-A-Dot and drawing in the red sand are always a big hit and this week was no different.

The highlight of this week was learning about the senses. We spent several days talking about the eyes and the ears (and his elbow) but we learned about touching, smelling and tasting too. The Flip Flap Body Book has been a favorite for all things senses. He can now tell you that “when you use your senses, they send a message to the brain in your head”.
In our Look Inside Science this week we studied trees and plants and in the Picture Atlas we took a look at countries and cities.
We made a scarecrow puppet, found El Salvador on the map, and talked all about the number eight. We gave estimating a try, though not entirely successfully, but then again, I’m absolutely terrible at estimating, so he might come by it naturally.

All in all a good week, but quiet and somewhat uneventful as far as school goes. F week up next…stay tuned!
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