It's been a big year. We've had many things happen over the past few months and I've let a whole lot of things go for a while just to give myself some time to breathe.
Some times I've very thankful for so many ways to keep in touch with family and share what is going on in our lives. But sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the technology that can take over our lives if we aren't careful. It takes a lot of time and effort to balance out modern life with the fundamentals of living a good, productive, meaningful life. And it's even harder to pass on those values to children in today's world.
So I'm simplifying this holiday season and as result things are changing on us once again. I'll start blogging soon, so but right now we are moving virtual addresses and you are welcome to join us at our new home: Ramblings of the Good Wife over at WordPress. Everything is "unpacked", but unfortunately not "put away yet". So navigate around the messy formatting and enjoy a stroll back along the path of our past while I work on getting us ready for the new year. We'll see you soon!