I LOVE the smell of wood. Sawdust around the house brings back a lot of memories of my high school days when my mom and dad completely rebuilt the home they bought in South Carolina. Of course I see saw dust as their home just about every day right now as my mom's sewing room is slowly coming together. Because my dad was in the Navy and gone for so many days and often months at a time, it is the memories of him working around the house and making new things that stick most in my mind. I still have some of the furniture he made me over the years, and I am pretty sure I'll have them forever. My memories are wrapped up in all that sawdust.
So when my husband decided to cut off all the wood on our family room windowsill that had been eaten years ago by our two "land sharks" with puppy teeth, I absolutely loved the mess. Crazy. I know. But true. Take a look.
(I'm head-over-heels crazy about my handyman, but don't tell anyone!)