It's funny how our moments throughout the day can so clearly shape our attitude and feelings. Today couldn't have been a more perfect example.
I started out with a headache at 8 a.m. so I was feeling pretty proud of myself when Alex and I finished grocery shopping at 10 a.m. The headache had grown into a dull throbbing pain and I've been getting some pretty bad migraines lately so I thought a quick stop at McDonald's for a coke (the caffeine) on the way home would be justified. For those of you who know me, you know the one thing I haven't been able to give up is coke. But that's another argument for another day. My point is, Dustin and I have had tons of experience with coke in the car - one might say we're kinda experts in the field.
Unless the sweet McDonald's employee gives me a torn cup...without a lid firmly affixed. The result - one large coke covering 65% of my car's interior. I kid you not. I think it exploded! And then Alex spilled chocolate milk and said HE was angry at the mess.
I paid a dollar to NOT drink coke, spent thirty minutes cleaning the car, and then had to shower since I was soaked from arm pits to knees. You would think I'd learn a lesson here, but no. There's more.
As I'm finally fishing up my second car cleaning this week (if you want to see my car clean come now!) and ready to scrub the sticky off my legs, my sweet, big scardy-cat of a dog pees her way across the entire family room floor. And she's a pretty big dog. With a bladder the size of Lake Michigan. And I just used all the cleaner on the car.
I decide after all of this, and I still had a headache by the way, an easy dinner was in order. I got out my brand new bag of rice, added it to my steamer, and found BUGS. In complete defeat I tossed it all down the drain which promptly backed up into both sinks and the dishwasher.
Then I had to wait for Dustin to take the drain apart.
Some time later as my headache began to fade (thanks to a McDonald's coke - I took my mama with me on my second trip) I realized that some days God just doesn't want us to be worried about all the little things because -
I've spent the past weeks trying to check off my list things I have put off for months but now isn't the time. Truthfully any other time I would have gotten a good chuckle out of all the crazy things that happened, but not today. God could see I was missing the big picture and he spoke through the familiar voice of my mama tonight when she reminded me that tomorrow is a new day and we get to start all over again.
God, I need a big do-over so help me do it right. And if all else fails please let there be coke in the fridge and a restaurant gift card in my purse!